Welcome to Providence Methodist Chapel founded in 1839 and still serving the local community.
Providence Methodist Chapel

“As long as one seed grows there is hope”
Matthew 18:20
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

“The White Chapel” or as we now know it “The Chapel on the hill” has stood watching over the Blackaton river valley since 1839 and has been a place of worship ever since.
Situated in the Dartmoor parish of Throwleigh, Devon.
It has seen very good times in the past when the capacity had to be increased to nearly 100 by the addition of a seating gallery as well as leaner times when the congregation had dropped to just a few attending.
Currently the chapel is undergoing somewhat of a revival and hopefully this trend will continue.

Providence Methodist Chapel remains a place of worship meeting on the 3rd Sunday of each month with a short but relevant service for todays world.
This is followed by tea, cake and conversation to help bring the congregation together and strengthen our friendships.
Our purpose

2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Obviously we are still a place of worship, however at Providence Methodist chapel we are not just concerned with the need to praise God on one Sunday a month.
As a congregation it has been decided to make more use of the chapel beyond the religious aspect.
At our last chapel meeting it was decided to improve access to the chapel as well as introduce several aspects to not only intrigue and entertain visitors but also to demonstrate a modern inclusive approach.
‘The Dartmoor Photographs of Chris Chapman’ is the first step in this process of change.
If you wish to help Providence but don't attend our services then maybe a small financial contribution is possible and the below QR code allows you to do just that.
Please scan with your smart phone camera and click the appearing Paypal link.

“The Dartmoor Photographs of Chris Chapman”
Providence chapel.
Returning May 2025
Chris Chapman was born in Wigan, Lancashire in 1952. He began his photographic career at the Newport College of Art in South Wales where he was invited to join the Documentary Photography Course run by the Magnum photographer, David Hurn.In 1975 he moved to Dartmoor, since when he has documented aspects of Dartmoor life. His photographs reflect traditional skills inherent in the indigenous population and emphasise the accumulation of knowledge associated with age and customs. He has a large archive depicting the culture and character of the region.His photography has been widely recognised and is represented in both public and private collections, including those of the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the Arts Council of England and the International Center of Photography in New York. His work has been published under various titles, including The Right Side of the Hedge (David & Charles), Dartmoor: The Threatened Wilderness (Channel 4) and Wild Goose and Riddon.
The Dartmoor Photographs of Chris Chapman.

In 2023 Providence chapel was nominated in the National Church Awards in the Open for Visitors section, and reached the final 12 churches from around the UK.
These awards are recognition for all the hard work undertaken by the supporters of Britain's churches and their efforts to keep them going in such challenging times.
On the 6th November members and supporters attended an event at Mercers Hall in London where Providence was selected as the winner of the England section and then the Overall UK winner in this Category.
The award recognises the effort by all involved to keep Providence alive for the local community and beyond.


If you would like to know more about attending Providence Methodist Chapel as part of our friendly congregation, maybe wish to know more about any events coming up or using Providence as a location for an event of your own then please use the information below.